Saturday 25 October 2008

Welcome to my School!!!

The School I have been assigned is IES Bernat el Ferrer in Molins de Rei (Barcelona). The school is located in the northern part of this town, up the western side of Collserola range, near Ciuró's Castle.

IES Bernat el Ferrar was founded in 1978 as a Vocational Training School. The name of the school pays tribute to the first professional in Molins de Rei, back in 1188, when Alfonso II of Aragon's Kingdom and Count of Barcelona ordered the construction of a mill in the area, which was to be run by Royal designation by Bernat el Ferrer with the condition of living there and taking good care of the mill.

IES Bernat el Ferrer is currently a Secondary School run by the Generalitat de Catalunya Government's Education Department where more than 500 students from 12 to 18 years old study ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), Batxillerat (High School) and Cicles Formatius de Grau Mitja i Superior (Intermediate and Superior Grade Formative Courses).

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